Once we understand the goal and scope of our essay topic, we need to have something to say!
The next step in the essay writing process is to think and learn. Some of the ideas in an essay will come from our own creativity and critical thinking and some will come from reading and research.
For this activity, let’s focus on the topic:
Discuss why video games are a useful tool in the primary school classroom.
For our example, we won’t do any research. Let’s just make up an essay together based on ideas we might already have about the topic.
Ok, go ahead, … .1, 2,3 …. Think. Are you thinking?
No, probably not yet. This is hard; it’s where all the work happens for the essay. Too often students skip this part and go straight to the writing stage and try to think while staring at that blinking curser. We need some tools to help us get thinking.
Thinking Questions
It’s always a good idea to start by identifying what we need to know! We know the goal of the essay is to present conclusions about why video games are (or are not) useful in the primary school classroom.
Now, we can develop a set of smaller questions for each different part of the essay topic – we can call these ‘thinking questions.’
Let’s try that.
Look again at the essay question and write some smaller questions that will draw out what you need to know.
We can use our thinking questions to help us generate ideas for the content of our essay. This is often called brainstorming and people do it all different kinds of ways.
Sometimes students like to make lists of ideas and information.

Sometimes they like to free write and see what comes out. Free-writing is when you just sit and face down that flashing curser and start writing, without any thought to order or grammar. It can be a great way to tap into your problem-solving skills or to think creatively about a topic.

And sometimes students like to draw maps and diagrams of their ideas. These can help create a visual representation of the ideas and explore connections between them.

Ok, it’s time to get back to work. Using our thinking questions as a guide, spend some time brainstorming ideas for this essay. Use whatever style of brainstorming that suits you! Try different ways for fun!
Take few minutes now to compare your ideas with this sample mind map, made using bubbl.us, an online mind-mapping tool. I’m sure some of the ideas might be like ones you came up with, and you may have some that we didn’t even think of!

The green bubbles are content for how video games could be used in the classroom and ideas about the pros and cons of using them.
The blue bubbles begin to explore how we might define the term “useful” and, thus, can take us towards how we might answer the question about “why video games are a useful tool in the classroom.”
Now, we have lots of raw ideas for the essay.